Dr. Shower Door, LLC
- Wood Blocking is a must where door hinges are located
- Never run plumbing through studs where anchor screw may puncture it
- Do not use glass tiles in areas to be drilled. They will crack
Door Width
Preferred width 30” or less – maximum width 36”.
Door Height
- Framed doors over 84” require a transom
- Frameless doors over 90” require a transom
Door Opening
- Must be plumb and level
- Do Not use raised decorative tile in the door swing area
- Must be free of overhangs to avoid use of an unsightly metal filler
- Design door opening to approach wall at 90 degrees – not at an angle
Body Sprays
Never face body sprays towards door or opening.
Curbs and Seats
Always slope curbs and seats into the shower.
Slab type recommended – slope into shower 3/16 – ¼” max.
Dr. Shower Door does not drill down into curbless showers as this can pierce the waterproof liner. This limits options available.
Should be plumb with curb or an unsightly finished product will occur.
Always use 90 degree or 135 degree angles – this will result in a better finished product.
Glass Panels
- Minimum tempered glass width is 4” – try for 6” it looks much better
- For notched panels 4” minimum for each leg – 6” looks much better
- Small overhangs can be notched – wider overhangs require a metal filler